When the same old exercises and the same old approach to your chest training have produced the same old results, it’s time to rethink your strategy for adding size. While some who have fallen into a comfort zone may continue this no-gain strategy- a smarter approach is to make some radical changes in your exercises, sequences and intensity techniques to bust through that plateau. One common and effective approach to thickening up your chest is to use supersets.
A superset consists of two exercises done back-to-back with no rest in between. Only after you’ve completed both moves do you take a rest. When you do supersets you significantly boost the intensity and places greater demands on the muscle fibers of the chest. The results is increase muscle size, as well as, burning more fat. Keeping your heart rate high by doing continuous work speeds up your metabolism, helps you burn more calories and thereby aids in fat lose. A workout comprising of only supersets will burn more calories than a standard workout and will thus help you achieve greater muscle definition and detail.
Superset your Chest with the following exercises:
Incline Dumbbell Press + Decline Dumbbell Press:
Incline Dumbbell Press: Set an adjustable bench to about 30 degrees. Lie back squarely on the bench. Position the weighs just outside your shoulders, palms facing forward. Press the weights strongly up and together until you reach full-arm extension, just short of elbow lockout. Don’t allow the weights to rest against each other in the top position. Lower under control and repeat.
Decline Dumbbell Press: Set the angle of the decline to about 30 degrees. Lie back on the bench, holding the dumbbells just outside your shoulders. In a strong motion, press the dumbbells up and together in an arc to full-arm extension. Lower weights under control and repeat.
High and Low Pulley Cable Crossover:
High-Pulley Cable Crossover: Stand midway between the cable stations, grasping the handles out to your sides, your palms facing forward and down. Stand erect but bend slightly forward at the waist. Lock a slight bend ain your elbows and hold it for the duration of the set. Contract your pecs to bring the handles forward and down in a wide arc holdijng the peak-contracted position for a count before releasing under control and repeat.
Low-Pulley Cable Crossover: The lowermost pulleys the body position is nearly identical to the high-pulley crossover but your arms will be down and out to your sides. The movement is forward and up in a sort of scooping motion, bringing your hands together at your midline. et the angle of the decline to about 30 degrees. Lie back on the bench, holding the dumbbells just outside your shoulders. In a strong motion, press the dumbbells up and together in an arc to full-arm extension. Lower weights under control and repeat.

Increase Muscle Size and Burn Fat